local 08442886622 mob 07778884767
UNIT 1B Sand Ind Estate, Sand Road Great Gransden SG192AH

local 08442886622 mob 07778884767
UNIT 1B Sand Ind Estate, Sand Road Great Gransden SG192AH
Since day one, we’ve been working to expand our product offerings and make our customers experience even better. We’re proud of how far we’ve come, yet remain committed to performing even better. In recentyears we have tailored the service to the products and suppliers we trust as it can become a race to the bottom where noone wins and the service declnes - we prefer to look after the customer with products that will last a long time and give no need for additiona customer service or concerns.
We also support the official BMW Car Club and the official BMW Car Club Racing Championship trying to give something back to the sport we have had so much fun being part of - so if you fancy trackdays or racing the BMW Car Club is the place to try whether you have a BMW or not you are welcome - also we have arrive and drive options from a BMWcup car to an M3....let the fun begin.
Our products are carefully selected. Browse through our product gallery and experience shopping with Automac for yourself. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, comments or suggestions.
The website has undergone 2 transformations recently once due to GDPR and another time due toan error in who was running it so we plan to go back to managing the site outselves again
With a background in rallying and racing supporting drivers and competing it gave us an ideal opportunity to assist others in their aspirations to compete at whatever level they could manage .
In recent year assisting the official BMW Car Club and the official BMW Car Club Racing Championship - with the Trackdays and also the championship we have helped many drivers take part whether it was:arrive and drive package, or tuittion or parts advice - its been great to see a novice starting the journey and then to see an experienced driver who has won races pass on knowledge and experience to others so they dont waste money doing it the wrong way ....if you are interested just send an email or give us a call.
The website has undergone 2 transformations recently once due to GDPR and another time due toan error in who was running it so we plan to go back to managing the site outselves again
local - 08442886622